24 thoughts on “ Searching Salesforce Metadata Using The Force.com IDE ”

  1. Nice article Brent! I’m already somewhat (okay, not really) familiar with the Force.com IDE, but that’s an excellent way to use it! I had always thought of it as just a tool for migrating metadata, but I guess I’m wrong! That’s a great way to search for where fields are used, and look at one angle of what impact removing a custom field will make. I’ll make sure to keep this use case in mind the next time I need to perform a task like this.




  2. Brent, this is soooo timely! I did get a JRE Missing error message when I installed Eclipse. Do I need to install BOTH the JRE and the JDK or just one of the other?



    1. Never mind, my IT guy helped me figure it out. Apparently I had to remove my proxy settings and go on our guest network in order to install the plugin, but then I had to add the proxy settings back in order to create the force.com project. I don’t understand proxy settings, but at least it’s working for me now.


  3. This is so helpful! I have been looking for a way to search for a fields use in reports so this post is exactly what I needed! It also finally pushed me to explore the Force.com IDE! Thank you for writing this.


  4. Good post on searching metadata via force.com IDE. I need to do exactly the project you described (figure out where Opportunity Stage is used) and your post was very helpful, especially the sections from “Creating a force.com Project” on down.

    However, I had great difficult downloading Eclipse and JRE until I accessed the following YouTube video:

    The video gives simple step-by-step instructions for getting JRE and Eclipse installed, in 7 minutes. I futzed around for 30 minutes trying to get it tow work before I found this video.


  5. SO HELPFUL! This is exactly what I needed. I wish this was built into Salesforce so the process could be quicker but at least we have this for now. Thanks so much for posting!


  6. Hi Brent,

    Thanks for this article, very helpful. Looks like the interface for eclipse has since been updated. There’s a few more tabs that come up in the search window i.e. “Remote Search”. My question is which tab is the best to use to query reports? Also what other settings should be considered; file name patter/folderl/scope etc. Thanks for your help


  7. Hi Brent,
    This is a great article, my problem is what happens if you search for a field called “Sale__c” but you also have another that is called “Is_Sale__c”? I have more than a 2000 results of usage but they are mixed between Sale__c and Is_Sale__c. How can I search only for Sale__c?
    Thanks for you help.


    1. I don’t recall what the setting or option is off the top of my head, but there is an option for an exact search which would limit your query to the provided text.


    1. Hi Meg! Check out The Welkin Suite. They have a great product which is much more robust and offers some great Admin functionality.


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